Hospital Rate of Payment:
Upfront Payments to hospitals:
Unlimited, subject to PMB’s and
only at DSP network hospitals.
Subject to co-payment for use
of non-DSP. Procedure copayments
may also be applicable.
Subject to Scheme Protocols and
option- specific exclusion list.
For procedural and admission copaym...
Casualty / Emergency Visits:
No Benefit unless proven PMB
Non-Contracted Providers at
100% of Scheme Rate. Contracted
Providers at 100% of Contracted
Radiology and pathology:
Limited to PMB and subject to
Network Provider Formulary list
Covered at Network Provider. Subject
to Scheme Protocols and PMB. Preauth
Oncology / Cancer:
Limited to R84 949 per beneficiary
per annum. Subject to ICON
Network and standard protocols.
Pre-auth required. 40% NON DSP
Medical and Surgical Appliances:
R 2 072 per family per annum
Subject to PMB, Scheme Protocols
and appliance sub-limits.
Take home Medicine:
Maximum of 7 days’ supply
Rehabilitation, Hospice and Step-down facilities:
Limited to Network Providers
and subject to PMB and Scheme
HIV Management Programme.
International Travel Benefit: