-Conservative back and neck treatment, adenoidectomy, myringotomy (grommets), tonsillectomy R3 350
-Colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, proctoscopy, gastroscopy, cystoscopy R4 250
-Arthroscopy, functional nasal procedures, hysterectomy (except for pre-operatively diagnosed cancer), laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, endometrial ablation R7 950
-Nissen fundoplication (reflux surgery), spinal surgery (back and neck), joint replacementsR16 350
If the procedure can be done out of hospital, for example in the doctor’s rooms, you won’t have to pay an amount upfront to the hospital. If any of these procedures form part of the defined list of procedures, the higher of the upfront amounts payable will be applicable if performed outside of the day surgery network.
-MRI and CT scans If related to your admission, we pay 100% of the DHR from the Hospital Benefit. If not related to your admission or for conservative back and neck treatment, you have to pay the first R3 350 of the hospital account and we pay the first R2 900 of the scan from your day-to-day benefits. We pay the balance of the scan from the Hospital Benefit, up to 100% of the DHR.